Happy New Year!!!...A couple weeks late...

Saturday, January 16, 2016


  Happy New Year!!! I can't believe we are heading in to the third week of January already. I hope your holidays and start of the New Year have been great! It's been crazy town in my house since Christmas. We decided at the last minute that we would not be staying home for Christmas. So on Christmas Morning we packed up everything and headed to NY and PA, only to be back the day before New Years and have my brother, his wife and my nephew come visit. The following weekend Lilly turned 6 (sigh. She's growing up too fast) and we went to CT to an indoor water park with my Mom, Step-Dad and little brother. And now, here I sit at my kitchen island with a friend of ours still asleep in the spare room. Don't get me wrong, I have loved visiting and having people visit, but I'm tired! haha! I will say though, there is nothing better then ending a year and beginning one with family and friends.

   On top of all that, we sit and wait for orders to our new location. Our picks could lead us to Florida, California, South Carolina, Michigan, or Oregon. Hubby gets to make a "dream sheet", as they call it, but in the end its not up to us. But once we find out, you will know too. :) Plus once we find out the true craziness of moving kicks in.

   I've made a few New Years resolutions and I'm trying to stick with them. So far I've failed at my blog resolution, but I'm going to keep trying. I am trying to stick to a "dont spend more then $40 a month on none essentials" budget. Meaning, I'm trying not to buy an over abundance of make-up and clothes. I'm really trying to work on my "needs vs wants' attitude. I want everything, but do I need it, no. And there are more important things in my life then needing that $30 lipstick. I guess I'm just trying to be more humble and grounded. It's very easy to get caught up in wanting to be on top of the latest trends. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I'm at a point in my life where I just need to take a step back and sort out whats most important. Does that make sense? I hope so...

   I also did what millions of others did the first week of January, I joined the gym. I actually rejoined the YMCA because I truly missed working out at the gym. Working out at home just wasn't cutting it for me this time around. I'm going on my third week and I feel great. I keep reminding myself I wont see changes for about another 2 weeks and if I don't clean up my diet then I most certainly wont see any changes either. Starting February 1st Hubby and I will be doing a cut. Basically we will be meal prepping every Sunday for the week and making sure our diets stay within our macro count. We made some personal goals and I'm excited to see where we both end up. I have a passion for health and fitness, it gets put on the waist side sometimes, but its still there.

   Well, that's about all I have as far as catch up goes. There are a lot of changes going to be happening this year and I can't wait to bring you along with me. :)

   Talk to you soon!!


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