How life changes....

Friday, September 15, 2017

Hi! It's been a little while since I've visited my little corner here. I hope you are all well! There have been so many changes in our lives over the past year. We've been through 2 hurricanes now (Matthew and Irma). I took on a business adventure that might have sucked the life and sanity out of me. A lot of growing pains from the move and a rough school year. I've made amazing new friends here in South Florida. People I know were put in my life for a reason and I'll forever be grateful for that. And I've lost a few. But things happen right? When one door closes, another opens...

I've mostly come back because a dear friend of mine got wind (my big mouth that is) that I had a blog, read it, and asked me why I stopped. And to be honest, I don't have any an answer for that. I guess Life...? I felt like I had nothing important to say anymore. I think I get into my own head and started down playing everything I did. We can be our own worst enemies... I would think, who really wants to read about what I have to say? Do people really care that L and Z had an amazing day or a bad one? Does anyone care that I didn't do well with all the adjusting to all the changes? Do people really care to read with my horrible spelling and grammar? I know it's not the best guys! lol! But after my friend read my blog, I came back and read it too. And you know what? It brought back so many great memories. Things I completely forgot happened. It brought back really happy times.

So I guess, weather or not anyone else really cares about what I have to say I'm glad I wrote those posts and have them for me to look back on. It also reminded me that I enjoyed this. It made me think, be creative, and just maybe I actually helped someone out. And you know what, I was actually kind of good at it. At least I think I was. Yes I'm patting myself on the back. We really all should pat ourselves on the back from time to time. We work damn hard at life and we have enough people who judge us. We shouldn't judge ourselves! I think if I had stayed connected to my timeout I would have had an easier time adjusting to all the changes. At the very least, maybe I could have received some encouraging comments or helped another person threw a hard time in their life.

I've said it before but I'm saying it again: I'm going to try and keep up with this timeout. Give myself the mental timeout that I know I need. Some place to be creative and get my thoughts out there. If you continue to follow along, I truly thank you. If you don't, thats okay too. We all have busy lives and I'm not expecting anyone to find my life anymore interesting then theres. But, maybe my timeout will become yours too. A moment to escape your own life, a moment to find a review on new product you want to try, a moment to think deep about what you might have done in my shoes, a moment to think about you and your feelings.

With that all said, welcome back to my timeout! I hope you can find what you need from our timeout together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for joining me!

See you in my next timeout!


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