Touchdowns and Lipgloss- Fantasy Football isn't just for Boys!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hi All!!

   I hope you had a wonderful weekend!! We were very productive, surprisingly. We cleaned out the basement and gave our old couch to our neighbors. I did a pretty hard core cleaning of our downstairs and than I tackled the spare room. I painted the room with the rest of Wedgwood Gray. I am in love!! I did a huge clean out of the room too. It's the catch-all room and I throw away nothing. So one full garbage bag later and the cardboard recycling bin full. The room is 95% complete. If you're interested in seeing the room let me know, I'd love to share some pictures.
   The weather here was amazing. Totally fall weather, which makes me very excited. I'm sad to see summer leaving so quickly already, but fall is my favorite season. It means the kids go back to school, the leaves change, pumpkins and mums are every where, Pumpkin coffee (just got mine in the mail on Friday-ahead of the game), Apple Cider, PSL's (if you don't know what a PSL is I'm not sure we can be friends (totally kidding!!)), big comfy sweaters, Fall fashion period, and Sunday's become the most exciting day of the week (and some Thursdays). I can not wait for football to start this year. Football to me just screams FALL IS HERE! HAHA! I'm even more excited for football this year because of my Fantasy Football leagues.

A little throw back from last year <3

   Over the past 3 years (this is my 4th year) I have become much more of a football fan. I've always liked Football. I love getting together with friends, making the fun snacks, an occasional beer (pumpkin beer or a fall harvest preferred), but understanding it all is a whole other story. I'm still not really on top of all the calls and/or why they are made. Hubby tries to help me and will answer any questions I have (in between yelling at the TV of course, haha!). But regardless of that, I love it even more now because of being on a family Fantasy Football League for the past 4 years. Fantasy Leagues can get a bit crazy (my husband and his friends tend to have some of the most, shall we say, interesting group texts during the season), but with the right group its a ton of fun. Plus it helps keep you interested in the games when you have players playing. I decided this year to get a group of ladies (and one gent) to start our own league. I'm pretty sure its going to be a hot mess, but we are all so excited!

   Our league is called Touchdowns and Lipgloss (you know you love it!). It's a $15 buy in and the money goes towards two Sephora Gift Cards. Second place gets a $25 gift card and first gets the rest. Right now we should have about 8 people playing. Only 6 (including myself) have actually signed in and created their teams though. I have to get on top of this because our draft is next Sunday. I know it's early, but it works best for all of us. We use the ESPN Fantasy Football website to host our league and it's free. It's pretty simple to figure out and straight forward.

   Now one of the most fun parts about playing Fantasy Football is creating your team name. My team name is Manning-n-Pedi (see what I did there?!).  I think half the fun is coming up with a ridiculous team name. In fact, if you are playing in your own league (which I highly recommend you do) and need some help with a name, check out this blog post from Venus Trapped in Mars. In fact you should probably just follow Sarah. Her blog is great and the girl knows her sports. I tend to go to her blog a lot more through Football season because she talks about football in a way I understand. Sometimes ESPN just goes right over my head.

   If your husband, boyfriend, family, or friends are always glued to the TV on Sunday's (and Thursday's) why not try and get involved too? Talk to them about starting a league of your own. You don't need to know the ins and outs of football to play. Of course it helps, but you will learn along the way. My family league has been just for bragging rights these past three years. Last year was suppose to be a $10 buy in but no one put any money in. This year we are definitely doing it though. When there is something at stake it makes you get more involved. It doesn't have to be cash related either. You could say the winner gets to choose where the rest of the team has to take you out to dinner. The loser has to wear the winners favorite team jersey (of course this only works if you two do not like the same team). But I think you get the point. You can make up anything. It's honestly just so much fun wither you have something on the line or it's just for bragging rights. If you need any help creating a league I'd love to help you out the best I can. Just let me know. :)

   I hope if you like football that you decided to start your own league. I know you'll have a blast! Let me know if you do start your own league or if you are already involved in one. I'd love to hear who you're top picks are and what your team name is. And good luck on your draft day!!

   As always, thanks for taking a timeout with me! Talk to you soon! 



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